Helsinki safety survey

Image: Tapio Haaja / Unsplash
The City of Helsinki and the Helsinki police investigate residents' views on urban safety with an extensive survey conducted every three years.

Data collection for the Helsinki safety survey is currently in progress. The results of the survey will be reported during 2025. The survey investigates the experiences and views of Helsinki residents on the safety of the city and their own residential area and the development of the safety situation. The data is used in planning the activities of the city authorities, the Rescue Department and the Helsinki Police Department and in targeting measures to different areas. In addition, the survey collects data on victims of crime and accidents among Helsinki residents, as well as the service capacity of the police and the Rescue Department. The data collected is characterised by the fact that similar data cannot be obtained from other sources, such as official statistics. Therefore, every response given to the survey is very valuable.

A new data collection for the safety survey will be carried out in autumn 2024.

The previous data collection was carried out in 2021. The results have been compiled into an online and printed research report. It is not possible to identify respondents from the results. The results are reviewed at the level of the entire city and residential areas (districts), as well as population groups (gender, age, language group). The survey is conducted every three years in cooperation between the City of Helsinki and the Helsinki Police Department. 

The previous data collection was carried out in 2021. The results have been compiled into an online and printed research report. 

Click to view the 2021 research report (in Finnish):

”Korona-aikaan en juuri ole liikkunut kaupungilla” – Helsingin turvallisuustutkimus 2021(Link leads to external service) (pdf). Tutkimuksia 2023:1.

Approximately 12,000 Helsinki residents aged 15–79 years have been randomly selected for the Helsinki safety survey 2024. From each of the 34 districts in Helsinki, an equal number of people are selected for the sample, so that the results of the survey can be viewed on a scale smaller than the whole city at the district level. In addition to Finnish and Swedish, the safety survey can be answered in English, Russian, Estonian, Arabic and Somali. Participation in the survey is voluntary. The address information of the respondents has been obtained from the Helsinki Population Information System. This data will be disposed of when the survey data collection has been completed.

As the data controller, the City of Helsinki is responsible for planning the survey, analysing the research data, reporting the results and retaining the research data. Roidu Oy has carried out safety survey 2024 data collection tasks on the assignment of the City of Helsinki. Roidu Oy is responsible for the internet survey and compiles the survey data from the responses given by the respondents in the survey. Responses received will be treated confidentially and anonymously and will only be used for research purposes.

In individual cases, the City of Helsinki may disclose research material to research institutes and higher education institutions for conducting scientific and historical research and surveys. The material disclosed does not contain identification data, such as addresses, obtained from the Helsinki Population Information System, and it cannot be used to identify an individual respondent. The disclosure of the research material requires that the recipient of the material draws up a research plan indicating the purpose of use of the material. An agreement will be concluded between the City of Helsinki and the recipient on the disclosure of the research material, in which the terms of the disclosure are defined.

Only people selected for the sample are allowed to participate in the survey. If you have received an invitation to participate in the safety survey by mail, you can answer the survey online or return the completed survey form in the return envelope you have received free of charge.

The results of the safety survey will be published as online articles in the section Safety ( Turvallisuus(Link leads to external service) ) of this website.

More extensive reports on the results of the safety survey rounds can be found in the list below (in Finnish):

”Korona-aikaan en juuri ole liikkunut kaupungilla” – Helsingin turvallisuustutkimus 2021(Link leads to external service) . Tutkimuksia 2023:1.

Turvallista ja rauhallista – Helsingin turvallisuustutkimus 
2018  Tutkimuksia 2020:3.

The City of Helsinki Executive Office is responsible for the implementation of the survey.

If you have any questions about the survey, you can contact:

Saija Benjamin, Specialist Expert, Helsinki City Executive Office, opens default mail program) , tel. +358 9 310 37096 
Sanna Lokkila, Specialist Expert, Helsinki City Executive Office, opens default mail program) , +358 9 310 23 631 (on leave of absence 1 October –31 November 2024)
Jenni Erjansola, Researcher, Helsinki City Executive Office, opens default mail program) , +358 9 310 34 572 (on leave of absence until 31 December 2024)
Jukka Hirvonen, Researcher, Helsinki City Executive Office, opens default mail program) , tel, +358 9 310 36 557.